Tel. +48 895413631

About Us

About Us

STAL-SERWIS has been operating on the market since 2007, enjoying the recognition of both domestic customers and international contractors. All this time, with absolute consistency – we focus on expanding our offer and maintaining the highest quality standards.
The basic profile of our business focuses on providing a full spectrum of services in the field of metal processing. Using the potential of STAL-SERWIS specialists and experience, we also design and build functional machines and equipment. As part of additional activities, we also provide a wide range of accompanying services, thanks to which we can offer our customers a comprehensive service.
In the field of machining, we provide manual services – using conventional machines, as well as projects with the use of innovative CNC equipment. You can find the full range of our services and products in the ‘OUR OFFER’ tab.

Company Values

For years, the main driving force behind the development of STAL-SERWIS is the ability to quickly respond to market needs, implement new technologies as well as reliability and solidity.


Steel precision and absolute consistency


Our infrastructure and extensive machinery park allow our company to carry out even the most unusual and demanding orders. High staff potential, as well as innovative solutions in the area of ​​machining or production – this in turn is a guarantee of timely and precise operation and competitive prices. Over the course of several years, the STAL-SERWIS brand has been trusted by many Polish and foreign companies. Our business partners include gearbox manufacturers, parts in the shipbuilding and railway industries, power generators, car tyres and many others.

Encouraged by the success and demand for STAL-SERWIS services and products in Poland and the EU, the management also plans to further expand the company to eastern markets. STAL-SERWIS specialists have relevant qualifications and necessary authorisations, thanks to which all works run smoothly, effectively and without unnecessary complications. Our company also has an internal quality control department that monitors the parameters and standard of the product – at every stage of the order.

If you value professional service, production flexibility, an above average quality of services and products as well as timely execution of orders – STAL-SERWIS will be pleased to work together with your company!


Przedsiębiorstwo STAL-SERWIS prowadzi działalność usługowo-produkcyjną w obrębie obróbki, skrawania metalu oraz projektowania i budowy maszyn/urządzeń. Aby w pełni zaspokoić potrzeby naszych klientów, świadczymy też szereg usług komplementarnych, będących uzupełnieniem dla podstawowego zakresu oferty. W ramach kompleksowych rozwiązań i propozycji, w ofercie firmy STAL-SERWIS znajduje się:

Park maszyn

Wyjątkowa precyzja wykonawcza, jest efektem doświadczenia oraz fachowości naszych pracowników, zaangażowania nadzoru działu kontroli jakości oraz stosowania najwyższej klasy maszyn i urządzeń.


Pobierz ofertę

Szczegółowy wykaz możliwych do zaprojektowania i budowy maszyn/urządzeń – znajduje się w opracowanym przez nas katalogu (do pobrania).



Napisz do nas

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